MAY 1, 2018
It's springtime. The bears have come out of hibernation. Just this week on a bicycle ride home after work, as I rounded a bend on the Blue Ridge Parkway, a mature black bear came bounding out of the woods and stopped on the pavement. She turned toward me. I could read in her eyes from 80 feet away the question "Is he edible?" Apparently not, for she then scampered on, dropping off into the opposite forest.
Blackie also stirred from his recent rest. He reminded me that in 2016 we had attended a family wedding in Virginia just days into that year's cross-country trip. Afterwards we left the route and came home for a few weeks until son was driving through on his way back to St. Louis. Then we hitched a lift that placed us just west of Kentucky near the Mississippi River. We had missed Kentucky! and the climbs of the Virginia/Kentucky Appalachians!
"We should ride Kentucky," said Blackie.
And to get there "We should ride the Blue Ridge Parkway," said Robbie, from Cherokee to its northern terminus that just happens to be near Charlottesville, VA where we left off and where nephew-in-law Peter lives.
"It will be our gap year!"
ROAD TRIP!" think the boys. Lou stretched and agreed.
Be careful when waking a bear |